Tuesday, August 7, 2007


Michelle Marin as Tara in the short film Belong.

The short film “Belong” is the result of a collaborative brainstorming session involving members of the “NFocus” team as part of the 48 Hour Film Contest held in Jacksonville, FL. The idea behind the contest pits teams against each other who all must write, find actors and locations, edit and create music to complete a short film based on a genre drawn at the beginning of the contest. All in 48 hours. The NFocus team drew “Drama” as their genre and soon after, began the process of creating their story. As part of the team’s discussion they began to question what a person would value so much that they would willingly give up everything to have. Eventually, after word associations and personal stories, it was agreed that the need to “belong” was so profound in all of us that it shapes virtually every facet of our lives.

In the film, Tara, played by Michelle A. Marin, portrays a young woman who has finally discovered the whereabouts of her bottom dwelling, addict mother. Her decision to embrace her mom and her brokenness forces her to leave the world she knows.


wesm64 said...

WOW!!!! It is amazing that you could put this together in 48 hours. It was well written, well cast and professionally directed. Good luck on your future productions. I cannot wait to see all of you on the red carpet some day soon.


HIERONY said...

GREAT JOB!!! To cast, find locations, shoot, edit, produce, etc.............. I am truly impressed

Anonymous said...

I thought the opening scene was VERY powerful...I agree that is it amazing how much you were able to do in 48 hours. I also loved the shots of the city and the bridge! Great job!